1. How much time will I save by using your payroll service?

Answer: Our streamlined payroll system will save you significant time by handling all aspects of payroll processing, tax filings, and year-end reporting, freeing up your time to focus on growing your business.

2. How much does it cost to use your payroll service?

Answer: Our payroll service costs vary based on your business's needs and the number of employees you have. We offer cost-effective solutions that are tailored to your specific needs.

3. What is included in the free first payroll run and setup?

Answer: Our free first payroll run and setup include all aspects of setting up your payroll account and processing your first payroll, including direct deposit and tax deductions.

4. How do you ensure compliance with all federal and provincial regulations?

Answer: Our team of experienced payroll specialists stays up-to-date with all regulatory requirements to ensure that your payroll is processed accurately and in compliance with all federal and provincial regulations.

5. How do you protect the security and confidentiality of my payroll data?

Answer: We take the security and confidentiality of your payroll data seriously and use the latest encryption and security protocols to ensure that your information is always safe and protected.

6. What payroll options do you offer?

Answer: We offer a variety of payroll options to fit your business's unique needs, including weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, and semi-monthly pay periods.

7. Can I integrate your payroll service with my accounting software?

Answer: Yes, our payroll system integrates seamlessly with popular accounting software, including QuickBooks and Xero, making it easy to manage your finances in one place.

8. How do I access my payroll data?

Answer: Our system provides easy access to your payroll data, allowing you to view and manage employee information, pay stubs, tax forms, and more from anywhere, at any time.

9. How do I get support if I have questions about my payroll?

Answer: Our team of experienced payroll specialists is always available to answer your questions and provide top-notch support whenever you need it.

10. Can your payroll service grow with my business?

Answer: Yes, our payroll services are scalable, meaning that they can grow and adapt to your business's changing needs as you expand and hire more employees.

11. What is included in your payroll service?

Answer: Our payroll service includes all aspects of payroll processing, tax filings, year-end reporting, direct deposit, and tax deductions, ensuring that your employees are paid accurately and on time.

12. How do I get started with your payroll service?

Answer: Getting started with our payroll service is easy. Simply contact us to schedule a free consultation or request a quote, and we'll help you get set up and ready to go.

13. What locations do you offer your services?

Answer: We offer our payroll services for US and Canada only.